My positions in F&C Asset management both stopped out today for an over all profit of £20. Not too bad considering I only initially risked £6ish on the original trade. Obviously these profits are not mega bucks but hopefully one day they will be.


The interesting thing is I suffered slippage yet again in my new CMC account and none in my Old CMC account. Alright it wasn’t a massive amount about 0.3 points but still. It does make me wonder quite what is going on. Hopefully I’ll find out soon enough. They tried to call me today but it rang off before I could answer. I was getting new tyres fitted for driving to Germany in the new year, which is a whole different story.


As it stands I have 7 £1 per point positions open. I happy enough with that until a new trading opportunity presents itself. I don’t really have much else to report today. Hopefully CMC will call me back and I will let you know the outcome of all the questions I have for them.


Until next time,
“May the markets be with you!”
Spread betting beginner

December 15, 2010 by Harry
Category: blog
Tags: CMC markets, F & C Asset Management, stop loss