Successful spread bettors monitor their performance, don’t you think it’s time you do the same?
Successful spread bettors keep a log every trade they make and the reasons behind them. This enables them to look back at their trading history and see what they were doing right or wrong. In doing this they can modify their strategies and trading to suit the needs of the current market conditions. So here are spread betting beginner we like to help people on the way to spread betting success and we have developed our position logging utility. It enables you to log all of your trades in one easy and convenient place and organise them by category/strategy. It then generates custom reports about your trading history such as current open risk, current running profit or loss, number of winners, losers and break evens. It will tell you which is your best and worst performing category/strategy so you can analyse your performance an hopefully learn from your mistakes to make you a better spread bettor.
The current version of the position logger is a beta version. For the non software engineers out there this basically means that new features have yet to be added and the current version is still in testing. However if you would like to register and start keeping track of your open position then please do so using the form below. It’s FREE and always will be all I ask in return is the chance to send you an e-mail with offers and updates from time to time.
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