Today is a really brief post as nut much has been happening by way of spread betting. I’m just too busy at the moment to give it the time it deserves and while work still pays the bills I have to focus on my job to keep the money coming in.
Thanks to off the lip for the comment/suggestion about how to give the book away. I actually think it’s a really good idea and I’m not sure why I didn’t think of it myself. Still credit where it’s due well done off the lip. Thanks for taking the time to make the suggestion. I think you are probably the only person who still reads this blog. At least it seems that way.
So that’s it then I will send the copy of The Naked trades Guide to spread betting to anyone who volunteers and posts on the blog. You never know you might enjoy being a guest poster and hey you’ll get a free book so what do you have to lose? I will have editorial control over exactly what you post, I can’t allow people posting anything that is offensive etc but I’m, sure you wouldn’t do that anyway.
If you’re interested let me know via e-mail at spreadbettingbeginner [at] yahoo . co. uk or use the contact form.
The only thing that I have been doing via way of spread betting is moving my stop on my one remaining position. Britvic is still going and I currently have around £30 locked in profit. Here’s hoping it continues to go further into profit.