No updates for the last few days as I’ve been busy with other commitments so apologies for that. You haven’t missed much. My spread betting has almost been no existent the last few days. I’ve moved stops on a few open positions and that’s about it. To be honest I haven’t looked for new positions either and nor do I intend to for the next few days/ weeks. The reason being is I have enough exposure to the markets at the moment and I don’t want to just trade for the sake of trading. We all know where that leads us. Therefore the blog posts may not be full of my trading activity and may have more about other things in them for the time being.
I don’t know if anyone else has an account with Capital Spreads but I received an e-mail from them this morning with some details about a new charting package that’s available for trial on their demo account. Apparently new features include: Email Alerts & Back Testing to name a few. There are others but these are the ones that I think a lot of people might find useful. I’m not sure if I have a demo account with them so I can’t take a look. If anyone else wants to open a demo account with Capital Spreads or already has a demo account with them I’d be interested to hear from them what this new charting package is like.
That’s about all from me for now. My first monthly news letter should be out in the next few weeks. Included in this news letter will be your chance to win prizes each and every month. I can’t say any more than that just yet as I’m still getting everything I need in place. When I have more details you’ll be the first to know. The monthly competition will only be available to my subscribers so if you haven’t subscribed yet make sure you do to be in with your chance to win the monthly prize.
Until next time,
“May the markets be with you!”
The Spread Betting Beginner