When you first start spread betting you will be a hit with a load of new terms and phrases that relate to spread betting and trading. The Spread Betting Glossary aims to help you with this to aid your understanding and help you on your way.
Going long / Buying
Betting the price of the instrument will rise. You buy into a trade at the ask price
Going Short / Short selling / Selling Short
Betting the price of the instrument will fall. You sell into a trade at the bid price.
Bid price / Sell Price
The bid price is the lowest price of the bid and ask. It is the price you sell out of a trade or sell into a short trade.
Ask Price / Buy Price
The ask price is the highest price of the bid and ask. This is the price you buy into a long trade or buy out of a short trade.
The spread is the difference between the bid and the ask price. The size of the spread depends on the instrument you are trading and the spread betting firm you are using.