Online trading can be achieved by spread betting. You can also trade over the phone however online trading is by far the easier option of the two. Obviously you will need a reasonable computer with and internet connection to trade online and once you have that sorted you just need to choose your spread betting company and you are away.


With the rise of the internet it could not be easier to trade online and most of the spread betting firms offer easy to use platforms and quick execution speeds that the days of needing to phone your broker are a thing of the past. You do need to have a back up plan in case your internet connection fails and you are unable to get online to trade. This would be the time when you would phone your spread betting company and trade over the phone.


Choosing the right spread betting platform is essential before you begin to trade fully online. Most of then are fairly straight forward to use but some such as Capital Spreads offer back testing and technical analysis features that go above an beyond the normal offering of others. These features can take a while to become familiar with however if you have the time to invest in learning how to use them they can be a valuable addition to your trading arsenal.


So there you have it if your looking for online trading or even if you want to trade over the phone spread betting could be the way forward for you. It has many advantages and not least is the fact that any profits attract no capital gains tax currently in the United Kingdom.