First off an apology is in order. I didn’t update with my recent spread betting activity before I went on holiday like I said I would so if you were waiting for my update I apologise. Work was hectic just before I left making sure everything was in place to run smoothly while I was away, plus I had to make sure we were all ready to go on holiday so I just didn’t get the time to update. I’m back now though and here’s an update of what’s been happening while I was away.


You may recall I was going to close all positions while I was away. Well with one thing and another I also did not get time to close them out. Luckily I only had two positions open which I managed to check while I was in Spain. We have some friends out in Spain who have an internet connection and Laptop which is what mad my Spread Betting in Spain possible. There is no way that I could’ve done it otherwise. Anyway I kept an eye on my positions, tweaking stops as necessary. My position in Avocet mining stopped out but my position in Enterprise inns is still in play. Over the coming days and weeks I’ll be looking for new positions to get my self established in the markets again.


I’ll also be doing my FTSE analysis again either today or tomorrow. It doesn’t really matter when as the UK markets are close anyway because of the extra bank holiday for the Queens Jubilee. After that things will get back to normal with my weekly FTSE analysis update at some point each weekend.


Ok that’s all for now. I hope the markets have been kind to you while I’ve been away.


Until next time,
“May the markets be with you!”

The Spread Betting Beginner

June 4, 2012 by Harry
Category: blog