No Spread betting news from me today I’m afraid. I checked through my open positions earlier but that was about it. I haven’t even had time to check if any stops need adjusting. Oh well I guess that will have to wait until tomorrow. I will check later for any potential trades for tomorrow but with most of my positions now open with IG Index and all of them having guaranteed stops I won’t be able to adjust any stops until trading hours tomorrow. That is the only pain of using guaranteed stops. Still I guess it makes sense for the spread betting firms to work it this way. If you could move a guaranteed stop out of hours and a company went bust overnight then the spread betting company would stand to lose even more on the stop as everyone would move their stop as close as they could to save money.


NEW* You can now read my review of Vince Stanziones Spread Trading System


Self made millionaire Vince Stanzione has produced a home study course to help you learn how to trade spread bets. For more information or to get your FREE Copy of “10 Top Trading Tips The Professionals Don’t Tell” visit Vinces Web site


I managed to get a little time over the weekend and I typed up my review of Vince Stanziones spread betting course/system. Take a look and let me know what you think. If you have any comments or feedback please do e-mail me or mention it over on the spread betting forum. It’s not fully complete as I need to review the ebook and the paper back book that come with the package. I haven’t fully read with of them yet but when I have I’ll get the review added. My aim is to allow user reviews as well and I aim to get this added soon along with a couple of other new features so keep an eye out for those. As always if you read my blog you’ll be the first to know about these things.


One other thing that I should’ve mentioned a while ago. Is anyone going to the TradersExpo on the 8th April? I’m going on Friday afternoon. I have some meetings in London Friday morning and I figured since I’m in London why not pop along and see what it’s all about. You can register here for free. If It wasn’t free I wouldn’t be going, but it is so I am. There are several speakers and if you want to go and see them you have to pay. I know Malcolm Pryor is speaking on Saturday the 9th April but I won’t be In London then and I think the £99 price tag seems a but pricey. If you are going maybe well bump into each other. I’ll be doing the rounds of the spread betting companies trying to spread the word about the site and drum up more visitors so I may see you by one of their stands if your going.


That’s all for today. Hopefully I’ll have some more trading action for you tomorrow.


Until next time,
“May the markets be with you!”
The Spread Betting Beginner

March 28, 2011 by Harry
Category: blog