We have had a death in the family over the weekend. Therefore the blog will be very quiet over the next few days/weeks. I will not be trading as I do not have the time to dedicate to it nor am I in the right frame of mind to trade and will only make further mistakes.
With the family member living in another country I will be out of the country for a week or so and will not be updating until I return. I will probably close out my dominoes pizza position as I will not have the time to monitor it. My positions in Luminar, Premier foods and Shanks will remain open. With these using the momentum divergence strategy off weekly charts they should manage themselves while I’m away.
I apologise to the people who read this on a regular basis but please bear with me. I’m not sure when I will be back but I will try and do one final post before we go to let you know the date that I should be able to post again.

Until next time
“May the markets be with you”
Spread Betting Beginner

July 25, 2010 by Harry
Category: blog