Well it’s been a while since I posted so I though I had better update you with proceedings. Firstly my spread bets are just ticking over. I’ve been adjusting stops where necessary and doing nothing otherwise. I’ve been checking for new trading opportunities but none that fit my strategy are coming along so I’m waiting yet again. That’s about it as far as trading goes, but there is more news.


If you tried to access the site on Friday night/ Saturday Morning you may have not seen what you would expect if you could access the site at all. I have switched my web hosting provider as my previous one was too slow. However the new one seems lightening quick to me, I hope you all notice the same difference. Hopefully this means no more waiting for ages for pages to load and a much quicker navigation of the entire site. If you do have an problems as always you can let me know and I will do my best to resolve them.


So with switching hosts it’s zapped all my time, however it’s done now and hopefully I should be able to get back to some sort of normality. I’m hoping to update at least twice a week on Wednesdays and at the weekend. It should be more hopefully but it depends.


So there you have it, you’re all upto date with what’s happening in the spread betting beginners world, hopefully more spread betting to come.


Until next time,
“May the markets be with you!”
The Spread Betting Beginner

September 12, 2011 by Harry
Category: blog