Today has been another busy day for me. I’m still playing catch up with work and it seems as if it’s going to be a few days yet until I can get my head above water.

I did find a little time last night & today to look for and place new trades. I have opened two new long positions today. They are Debenhams at 61.85 with a stop at 55 and Rentokil at 101.38 with a stop at 93. With both of them not doing much today I doubt I will be raising my stop orders. I will continue to mointor them over the coming days/weeks and raise my stops in line with the super trend indicator.

So far the super trend inidicator is showing me some slight success but it’s too early to say for sure. Both Debenhams and Rentokil meet my risk requirements, the super trend for both has just crossed price and both seem as if they may have bounced of support levels. We’ll see how they pan out. I may have a look later for new trades but I have 4 open which I more than happy with at the moment. I don’t want to take unesserary risks and would rather wait for the right opportunities to present themselves.

That’s all for today.

Oh also I’ve started a twitter account which I aim to update on a regular basis. If you have a twitter account and would like to follw me please do.

Until next time
“May the markets be with you”
Spread Betting Beginner

September 7, 2010 by Harry
Category: blog